Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ugly Side of Bank Sales

There is another type of bank sales manager who would quote customers cut-throat rates with the intention of making the highest commission in the quickest amount of time.
No qualms about 'cheating' customers. These sort of sales people are unscrupulous, no ethics at all. How would they feel if the tables are turned and they are being 'cheated'?
It is always better to be honest even if it means working harder and putting in the extra hours to earn the same amount of money as someone who takes the easy way out and 'cheats' customers.
In the long run, you would defintely see the benefits of loyalty from customers and referrals etc.


Honesty is best policy said...

If u put customers' interest before yours the rewards will automatically follows..just be patient tha's all.

The Eagle said...

Well Said. Totally agree.