Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Banking Counterparts?

Are there any readers who are also working in banks and doing sales in particular? Personal Financial Services or Commercial Banking? Are there any interesting stories that you can share? Please leave a message in the comments section. Thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

There is this colleague of mine, a woman, who went to see a customer, she is in her late 20s while he is in his late 30s. When he met her, he was not in the mood to talk business. He wanted her to be his GF. While presenting her products, he touched her hands and told her that he can give her anything she wants if she agress to be his GF.

Anonymous said...

wat sort of cm lah? eeeeee...

Anonymous said...

got bank staff get involved with the boss too. female get invloved with male married boss.....all types lah.