Please read. Something about our 5-day work week. When I first started working in the late 90s, Saturdays were a normal working day. Some people had to stay till 1pm and I remembered I stayed in office till 2.40pm once to work, and there were some other days when I had to be in charge of certain projects or 'ECAs' and that took me till 7pm on a Saturday.
I am not sure how people feel about this issue (of working 5 or 5 and half days week).
NMP Loo got nothing better to talk about and that's the reason he is only a NMP...haha
Personally I think a standard 5 day work week is sufficient, as long as people put in their best effort and work hard during the 5 days. Sats and Suns can then be used to re-charge the bodies and have some relaxation either with family or friends doing things that one likes. Come Mon, the energy and zest to work will then be there.
During the recession time when jobs are scarce people should work 4 day week.In this way,there will be more opportunity for others to be employed. NMP talked rubbisssh!!
Good point, work fewer days so that costs (eg electricity) can be kept down, plus if the company needs more people to work, can always employ part-timers to give the unemployed some work.
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