Saturday, June 13, 2009

Some Female Bank Staff Dressing

Some of these girls or women wear clothes that are simply not professional. They are either too low cut, too short or too transparent.
It is simply against the dress code policies of the bank but as usual, the male supervisors are busy enjoying the eye candy, so they do not even utter a word to hint that the dress code is being violated and this form of dressing is a major source of distraction for people at work.
The male staff will keep looking while the other female staff will either be upset or jealous. All these can be stopped easily by a word from the Manager to say that the dress code rules need to be adhered to. I have worked for a number of years, but I have never met a manager who would act impartially.


Anonymous said...

It's a feast for the male staff eyes mah,managers included,afterall the job is very boring right,haha

Anonymous said...

Some people are so cheap to dress like that!